Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Airport Chemistry

The following article

Subject : Airport Chemistry
Abstract: For all the screening that has become a standard part of air travel, existing methods can't expose every hint of criminal activity ...
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has a broken link. I am reproducing the article in its entirety (03 October 2007) until I can find the new link to it, if there is one.

Airport Chemistry


It’s that time of year when thousands of Americans endure long lines at airport security checkpoints as they travel for the holidays. But for all the screening that has become a standard part of air travel, existing methods can’t expose every hint of criminal activity that passes through. Fortunately, chemical detection methods are advancing in ways that should improve the situation.
At Purdue University, for example, R. Graham Cooks’ research group has worked out a rapid and reliable method for detecting trace quantities of compounds lying on surfaces. Its ease of use and quick turnaround time should make it ideal for airport security personnel to scan the exteriors of luggage, packages, and clothing for traces of nefarious chemical compounds such as explosives or drugs.

The method involves mass spectrometry, a chemical identification tool known for its sensitivity and accuracy. Despite these attributes, however, mass spectral methods have not been applied to testing situations such as those needed at airport security sites. A major problem has been the time-consuming sample preparation needed for these techniques. Another factor is the need for vacuum conditions within the ionization chamber of the spectrometer. And finally, to house all of their working parts, mass spectrometers have tended to be quite large instruments not built for portability.

By making several key modifications in instrument design and sampling technique, Cooks’ group has bypassed these limitations. The team adapted electrospray ionization (ESI) technology to engineer a sampling “wand” that dislodges samples from surfaces, ionizes them in the presence of air, and then passes them along to a mass spectrometer for analysis, all within a matter of seconds. Cooks’ group also condensed the equipment down to backpack-size. The method, known as desorption electrospray ionization, or DESI, makes it possible to take mass spectral analyses into totally new environments.

Because the method also can be applied to a broad variety of compounds, it is versatile and has a broad potential of use. When Cooks published this work last year in Science (306, 471–473), he wrote that it “seems particularly promising for forensic and public-safety applications, including analysis of dried blood, detection of explosives, and monitoring of chemical warfare agents.”

Since then, to demonstrate how their technique might be applied to a real-world example, the group evaluated the method’s capability of detecting and identifying a number of explosives. The results were published in the November 5, 2005, issue of Analytical Chemistry (77, 6755N-6764).

Testing their method with four modern explosive compounds, the researchers found limits of detection ranging from 100 picograms down to 0.01 picograms (1 picogram is one-trillionth of a gram), depending on the compound and the surface it was tested on (e.g., metal, paper, glass, plastic, and polymer examples). The picogram capabilities of method produced accurate identification of trace quantities of all four explosives.

The researchers also studied mixtures—military-made plastic mixtures such as Composition C-4 and mixtures put together to simulate post-blast types of situations. Not only did the method sort out and identify the compositions of all of the mixtures, it did so for residue quantities of those mixtures. In one test, for example, an experimenter pressed his thumb to a sample of C-4 and then repeatedly pressed down on a series of glass slides with the same thumb. Even after five sequential transfers, the residue provided sufficient material that could be positively identified.

In addition to its obvious application to security screening and forensic investigations, this method will no doubt have significant impact on environmental testing. It represents a timely and valuable addition to the arsenal of detection methods currently in use.

This article first appeared on November 21, 2005.

Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society.
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, August 23, 2007

FW: Watch "Nanowires and Nanocrystals for Nanotechnology"

Nanowires and Nanocrystals for Nanotechnology

42 min 15 sec - Sep 12, 2006
Average rating:   (126 ratings)
Description: Google Tech Talks September 12, 2006 Yi Cui is an assistant professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Stanford University. He is a recipient of the Technology Review World Top 100 Young Innovator Award. He received his PhD degree from Harvard University working with Prof. Charles Lieber. He received his B.S. degree from Univ of Science and Technology of China. ABSTRACT Nanowires and nanocrystals represent important nanomaterials with one-dimensional and zero-dimensional morphology, respectively. Here I will give an overview on the research about how these nanomaterials impact the critical applications in faster transistors, smaller nonvolatile memory devices, efficient solar energy conversion, high-energy battery and nanobiotechnology.

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Chemical Metrology in the Americas

The following article

Subject : Chemical Metrology in the Americas
Abstract: The Inter-American Metrology System is a broad agreement among national metrology institutes from all 34 member nations of the Orga...
Link : has a broken link. I am reproducing the article in its entirety (03 October 2007) until I can find the new link to it, if there is one.

Chemical Metrology in the Americas

Bradley D. Miller

The Inter-American Metrology System (SIM) is a broad agreement among national metrology institutes (NMIs) from all 34 member nations of the Organization of American States (OAS). Organized in five subregions (NORAMET, CARIMET, CAMET, ANDIMET, and SURAMET), SIM was created to promote international, particularly Inter-American, and regional cooperation in metrology.
An area of specific concern to SIM as a region is chemical metrology. Chemical metrology involves the development of methods, capabilities and facilities to address chemical measurement traceability, uncertainty analysis, standards availability, documentary standards development and distribution, accreditation needs and requirements, benchmarking criteria, and interlaboratory comparisons.

The SIM technical working group dedicated to chemical metrology emphasizes communication and information sharing in its activities. To address the unique needs of all 34 countries within SIM, whose capabilities in chemical metrology span a very broad range, the leadership of the technical working group has initially focused SIM Chemical Metrology activities on training and capability assessment. This has been accomplished through (1) Outreach and Awareness Activities within the ANDIMET, CAMET, CARIMET, and SURAMET subregions; and (2) Chemical Measurement Proficiency Assessment Comparison Studies.

The Chemical Metrology Awareness Seminars are targeted to governmental decision makers and representatives from NMIs within the particular subregion. Since 2003 these seminars have been conducted in Jamaica, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Argentina, Peru, and Trinidad & Tobago. Content typically addresses topics on chemical metrology and its impact on trade and quality of life and the current worldwide infrastructure on facilitating chemical measurement traceability and comparability. There are also lectures—localized to the region—on clinical diagnostics, environmental quality, and food safety and nutrition.

The workshops on Critical Evaluation of Comparison Results are open to NMIs from the host subregion plus all participants in any particular comparison study in which an NMI receives and analyzes a test sample and then works with peer NMIs to determine best practices moving toward equivalency in interlaboratory comparisons. Past SIM chemistry proficiency assessment studies have focused on trace elements in water, pH, automotive exhaust emissions, cholesterol serum, ethanol in aqueous matrix, water quality–electrolytic conductivity, and toxic metals in seafood.

Willie E. May director the Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (CSTL/NIST), serves as chair of the SIM Chemical Metrology Working Group, and his efforts focus on building and supporting a chemical metrological structure in the Americas to ensure equity in the marketplace, facilitate international trade, ensure uniformity of measurements, and improve the quality of life for all citizens of the region.

This article first appeared on November 21, 2005.

Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society.
All Rights Reserved.

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